Holt Weeks, Stone Weeks, March, 2009
Through unbearable sorrow, and unending love, the Foundation has as its
mission to carry on the hopes and dreams
of Stone and Holt in their spirits:
By raising money for, creating awareness of, sponsoring participants in and
recognizing volunteers for
the many good causes that
they were involved with.
Stone and Holt not only believed, but proved -- through their volunteerism and
incredible vitality -- that you can do good and have fun at the same time. They both
very much wanted to make
this world a better place for all.
And they each had the gift of making everything they did so much fun --with creativity and originality.
They were young, energetic
and inseparable.
They were humanitarians, activists and idealists.
The Stone and Holt Weeks Foundation
c/o Greater Washington Community Foundation
1325 G Street NW, Suite 480
Washington, DC 20005
Please send check donations to:
The Stone and Holt Weeks Foundation
Attn: Finance Department
Greater Washington Community Foundation
P.O. Box 49010
Baltimore, MD 21297-4910
In cooperation with the Greater Washington Community Foundation,
The Stone and Holt Weeks Foundation exists to honor
the memories and the spirits of two brothers, remarkable young men
who were tragically killed by a highway trucking crash in the summer of 2009.
Do Good, Have Fun
....and make the world a better place for all